Photo: Carola Schmidt
Photo: Carola Schmidt, Garment: Claudia Skoda
Photo: Carola Schmidt
Photo: Carola Schmidt, Garment: Claudia Skoda

Alla Salma InfidelEfrat AlonyHandel - Fast Forward00:08:21

As With Rosy Steps The MornEfrat AlonyHandel - Fast Forward00:08:13

Come To Me Soothing SleepEfrat AlonyHandel - Fast Forward00:06:17

Convey Me To Some Peaceful ShoreEfrat AlonyHandel - Fast Forward00:04:28


"Handel- Fast Forward" Winner of "Opus Klassik Award"

in the category  "Classic without Limits"

"Handel- Fast Forward" -Winner of "Opus Klassik Award"- this wonderful news just came in.

I am so humbled and honoured.

standing together with such beautiful musicians and artists such as beautiful countertenor Reginald Mobley, pianist  Lang Lang, soprano Anna Prohaska,  cellists Gautier Capuçon, Anastasia Kobekina, conductor Klaus Mäkelä, composer Liza Lim or singer  Konstantin Krimmel  

Thank you for the "Opus Klassik" Jury! 

Thank you to my Label "Dottime Records" and especially  Jo Bickhardt and Dani Mari for believing in this project.

Thank you to the wonderful musicians pianist  Achim kaufmann , bassist Henning Sieverts and drummer Heinrich Köbberling for your music and wiliness to jump onto my Händel train.

thank you to Marita Goga- for your support


we received such beautiful reviews for "Handel- Fast Forward" release

please check out my main website to read through them 


I am VERY happy to announce the upcoming release of Handel-Fast Forward on the renowned NY label Dot Time Records!

CD Release date:   June 2nd 2023

Vinyl Release Date :  8. Sep.2023

Thank you to Jo Bickhardt and Dani Mari for your support!

a little sneak peak to our 2 single releases:

#1- on April 14th 

#2- on April 28th

with new videos and photos by the wonderful Carola Schmidt

and artwork by Frank Hellenkamp


Händel Fast Forward

My secret love affair with Handels body of work, his unapologetic emotionality and rigorous aim for a momentary TRUTH - sparked a wave of musical ideas within me, I was eager to explore.

Led by the Spirit of Jazz, I embarked on a wild dance to the beat of Handels Baroque drum. 

As if I were glancing at a time-traveling-child, devoid of legacies of Right & Wrongs, recognizing familiar faces, unforgettable melodies , bewildered yet unafraid by the foreign colors and smells. These movements started revising and reshaping the music, exploring the similarities and celebrating the differences. 

I found myself shifting between questions and answers, witnessing a marvelous pirouette of kindred spirits – Baroque & Jazz, swaying, side by side.

Efrat Alony

Alony’s passion for Handel’s music is unmistakable. The inspiration she draws is profoundly audible;  with every stroke of her masterful vocal brush, with every unexpected harmony, that wraps- and at times even rattles Handel's wonderful and trusted melodies. Her interpretation of his music is marvellous and distinct.  

Extremely unique, unheard of.   

»And let some strange mysterious dream, wave at his wings in airy stream…«

Georg Friedrich Händel

George Frideric Handel

Handel's Airs from Operas such as "Theodora", "Lucrezia", "Ottone" , "Alexander Balus" or "Saul" are a magical vessel through which the wonders of Alony's fabulous instrument unfold.

A strong, soulful voice, its wast depth, almost haunts you. A marvellous shape-shifting being, that slips in and out of different characters and emotions. Like a magician who knows too well the exact amounts of each ingredient in order to create the perfect potion, she allures us to unexpected, unknown avenues, and we - the listeners- follow blindly-  we’re allowed a peak into the mystery, its most powerful and most frail moments.  


"Händel’s melodies are pure and soulful, unpretentious. Their clarity will never misguide you- they aim straight for 'TRUTH' " Alony says. "The search for 'Truth' has been fascinating me my entire career. Peeling off the layers of 'almost truths' or even 'un-truths' and reaching tangible honesty" 

Why Handel? - Why Not???
Improvisation, variation  and exploration were at the core of baroque music. The performances were constantly revised and reshaped, they lived in the moment, just like Jazz does.

"If Händel lived today he would probably write pop songs or score breathtaking film music. He would be inventive, daring, explore new musical paths and would break his own rules.  He would try to connect." Alony says. 


Accompanied by a strong Trio, set from crème de la crème of the contemporary german jazz scene: Achim Kaufmann (piano), Henning Sieverts (bass) and Heinrich Koebberling (drums). The Story-telling skills and inquiring musical mind of each of the musicians unfold – together they undertake a fantastical Journey, through unexpected hidden doorways to Handel’s world.  

»…Then as I wake, sweet music breathe, above, about, or underneath.«

Whatever Händel would do today, he would smile – or be enraged – but he could certainly not stay indifferent to Alony’s magnificent, daring interpretation.  

Efrat Alony – voc, arrangements 

Achim Kaufmann – piano 

Henning Sieverts – bass 

Heinrich Köbberling – drums 

video: Carola Schmidt 

Efrat Alony

Efrat Alony

Photo: Carola Schmidt

Efrat Alony

Trying to put Efrat Alony’s music in a box is a task destined to fail. Every musical compartment would simply be too small. Her ability to compose and sing in- between the musical genres, in a her exceptional unique style, is what makes her stand out and shine. 

"Untamable. The Israeli singer Efrat Alony bewilders with her voice, beauty and intellect. (…) Her timbre seduces us - to unstintingly listen." Tom R. Schulz , "Die Zeit"

"I'm not sure that there is a category for what Alony does. I'm not sure that there should be. Call it music." Doug Ramsey, "Artsjournal"

"….The music hits you with full force. Efrat Alony, with her dazzling versatile singing, enriches scat singing with sighs and lamentations and shows that Hebrew can both comfort and glow, like a candle…" Josef Engels, "Berliner Morgenpost"

"Her voice is a lusty cross between Joni Mitchell's folk wisdom and Amy Winehouse's rolling purr. Alony's voice is highly trained, but what's most fascinating is her original music and lyrics. The style isn't quite jazz but something new and cutting edge... While I confess you may need to recalibrate your sensibility a bit to fully appreciate what Alony is doing, the journey is well worth it." Marc Meyers,

"…Efrat Alony completely is at home in her music.  She commands her extraordinarily cultured alto voice with confidence… she sends shivers down your spine. …Alony treads exciting new paths. Her daring experiments are both refreshing and intense. The compositions – at times peaceful, at times stormy – are even more vivacious in a live performance than on her wonderful debut album merry-go-round"…

Birgit Nüchterlein, "Nürnberger Nachrichten"

"I love challenges“ she explains, "I enjoy trying to find a boundery, where one thinks one can't push it any further, and then- do just that- try to jump over it. Every time anew, I’m startled, as to how flexible our minds, our ears, our abilities as performers and our ever changing perception of music really is" 

Born in Haifa, Israel, as a daughter of Jewish Iraqi new comers, singer Efrat Alony studied composition, arranging, jazz singing and classical singing in Israel, Germany and the U.S.

In 2022 Efrat received the "German Jazz Prize" for best vocal Album of the year  ( " Hollywood Isn't Calling" ) as well as a nomination for "Best Composition" ( "My Shorthand Modes Of Perception" )  

Efrat has worked as a musical director and vocal coach for various theater productions, such with the renowned American director Robert Wilson. In 2006 she was awarded the Jazz Performance Prize of the Karl Hofer Society and the Jazz Institute Berlin. in 2008 and in 2010 she received the City of Berlin Jazz Award. In 2009 Alony recieved the „Nürnberg Nachrichten International Jazz award“ and in 2010 she was nominated for the BMW world Jazz award. In 2014 Efrat received the "german music author's prize"of the GEMA for Jazz composition. In 2019 Efrat received the "Artemis Film Festival" ( L.A, USA) "best foreign artist award" for her composition "Hear Me"

Efrat was a featured as a soloist with many Big-Bands such as the Sunday Night Orchestra (CD “Overcast”, 2008), the Jazz Orchestra of the Concertgebouw (Amsterdam), the Radio Big Band Frankfurt, the Ed Partyka Jazz Orchestra ( CD „Songs for love lost“, 2011), UMO Helsinki Jazz Orchestra, Finnland, Swiss Jazz Orchestra , Bern and the Zurich Jazz Orchestra, Zurich, in Switzerland, the "Christoph Cech Jazz Orchestra, Vienna, AT

Niko Meinhold

Niko Meinhold

Niko Meinhold

Niko Meinhold Studied at HfM „Hanns Eisler“ Berlin, at Kungligan Musikhögskolan Stockholm and recieved his Masters from the Jazzinstitut Berlin. 

Meinhold composes for solo instruments, ensembles, choirs and orchestras.   

as well as for film, TV, and radio (for example for the Rias Bigband and the NDR Bigband) as well as for theatre and cd productions. 

Meinhold received awards such as the Karl- Hofer- Award, the Berlin Senat Composers Grant, Award for best German University Ensemble for his trio Tritorn, Nordiska Kulturfondet Tourgrant for his Scandinavian group Northern Alliance for a Scandinavia tour accompanied by dancers. 

Achim Kaufmann

Achim Kaufmann

Photo: Milad Ahmadvand

Achim Kaufmann

"For many years, Achim Kaufmann has been one of the most inspiring and exciting personalities of the European jazz and improvisation scene. His music bears witness to great harmonic subtlety and structural depth. A brilliant pianist and composer, his reflected exploration of tradition has led him to a nuanced, contemporary sound language that encompasses poetry, energy and abstraction in equal measure"   

Julia Neupert, SWR Radio  

Henning Sieverts

Henning Sieverts

Photo: Milad Ahmadvand

Henning Sieverts

Born 1966 in berlin, bassist, cellist and composer Henning Sieverts has recorded over 100 CDs, was awarded estemed preises such as the „Jazz-Preis der International Society of Bassists" (1991), der "Bayerische Staatspreis" (2004), der "Neue Deutsche Jazzpreis 2009 " or "ECHO Jazz 2010" mit seine CD „Blackbird“.  

“A brilliant bassist and cellist who is at home with the demands of new music as well as jazz.” (Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung)

 „Filling rigorous concepts with life and fun: that is the art of Henning Sieverts, turning good music into great music.“ (Concertino)  

 “A virtuoso with inventive genius and unconcealed passion!” (Abendzeitung)

Heinrich Köbberling

Heinrich Köbberling

Photo: Milad Ahmadvand

Heinrich Köbberling

Born 1967 in Bad Arolsen/Hessen, Koebberling studied Musik at the HMT, Hamburg, Germany and at "The New School" in New York. Köbberling is a long-standing recording artist of the acclaimed ECM Label, featured among otheres by the "Julia Huelsmann Trio" 

In addition to his recordings as a Band-leader ("Pisces" 1997; "8 Doogymoto" 2003 and "Sonnenschirm" 2009) He has recorded more the 80 CD’s as a sideman. 

He recorded and played among others with musicians such as: Ernie Watts, Theo Bleckman, Aki Takase, Richie Beirach, Jan Delay, Benny Bailey, Herb Geller, Ben Monder, Marc Johnson, Rudi Mahall and Alex v. Schlippenbach.  

Since 2007 he is a Professor for jazz drums at the HMT Leipzig. 



29.01.2025 NDR Extra TV , DE, NDR Extra TV

Handel- Fast Forward  

Efrat Alony- voc

Philipp Nykrin- piano


12.12.2024 Abraxas Theater, Augsburg, Germany, Dottime Records' Abraxas Sessions

Handel- Fast Forward  

Efrat Alony- voc

Philipp Nykrin- piano

30.11.2024 Hamakom Theater, Vienna, AT, Alony/ Preuschl/ Dés- "Off, To New Horizons"

Alony / Preuschl / Dés 'Off, To New Horizons'

Efrat Alony: vocals, electronics

Raphael Preuschl: bass, electronics

András Dés: percussion

12.11.2024 Kulturhaus Straden, Peter Lenz feat. Efrat Alony & Jim Black

Peter Lenz  'Breathe – Music for Large Ensembles' (A/ISR/USA)

11.11.2024 Dom im Berg, Graz, Austria, Peter Lenz feat. Efrat Alony & Jim Black

Peter Lenz  'Breathe – Music for Large Ensembles' (A/ISR/USA)

10.11.2024 Porgy & Bess, Vienna, AT- at 2 p.m, Peter Lenz feat. Efrat Alony & Jim Black (A/ISR/USA)

Peter Lenz  'Breathe – Music for Large Ensembles' (A/ISR/USA)

10.11.2024 Porgy & Bess, Vienna, AT -at 2 p.m!!, Alony/ Preuschl/ Dés- "Off, To New Horizons"

Alony / Preuschl / Dés 'Off, To New Horizons'

Efrat Alony: vocals, electronics

Raphael Preuschl: bass, electronics

András Dés: percussion

09.11.2024 Porgy & Bess, Vienna, AT, Peter Lenz feat. Efrat Alony & Jim Black

Peter Lenz  'Breathe – Music for Large Ensembles' (A/ISR/USA)

08.11.2024 Grenzlandheim Bleiburg/Bliberk, AT, Peter Lenz feat. Efrat Alony & Jim Black

Peter Lenz  'Breathe – Music for Large Ensembles'(A/ISR/USA)

19.10.2024 B-FLAT, Berlin, Ed Partyka Jazz Orch. feat. Efrat Alony

Ed Partyka Jazz Orch. feat. Efrat Alony

18.10.2024 B-FLAT, Berlin, Ed Partyka Jazz Orch. feat. Efrat Alony

Ed Partyka Jazz Orch. feat. Efrat Alony

12.10.2024 Kühlhaus, Berlin, Opus Klassik Award + concert

Opus Klassik- das Konzert

Alony's Handel-Fast Forward 

Efrat Alony- voc

Niko Meinhold- piano

Anne-Mette Iversen - bass

Heinrich Köbberling  - drums


Alony's Handel-Fast Forward 

Efrat Alony- voc

Niko Meinhold- piano

Anne-Mette Iversen - bass

Heinrich Köbberling  - drums

16.09.2024 Elbphilharmonie, Grosser Saal, HAMBURG, GEGEN DAS SCHWEIGEN. GEGEN ANTISEMITISMUS.

Benefit concert mit Igor Levit, Michel Friedman, Efrat Alony, Alan Gilbert, Malakoff Kowalski, Tim Mälzer, Düzen Tekkal, Olli Schulz und weiteren

19.07.2024 Kultursommer Vienna, Alony/ Preuschl/ Dés- "Off, To New Horizons"

Alony / Preuschl / Dés 'Off, To New Horizons'

Efrat Alony: vocals, electronics

Raphael Preuschl: bass, electronics

András Dés: percussion

18.07.2024 Theater am Spittelberg, AT, Out of the Box

Out of the Box

Efrat Alony- voc, electronics

Mahan Mirarab- git.

05.07.2024 Jazz am Bauernhof in Kremsmünster, Alony/ Preuschl/ Dés- "Off, To New Horizons"

Alony / Preuschl / Dés 'Off, To New Horizons'

Efrat Alony: vocals, electronics

Raphael Preuschl: bass, electronics

András Dés: percussion

10.06.2024 Celeste, Vienna, Celeste, Vienna

Efrat Alony- voc, electronics

Verena Zeiner- piano

Sofia Labropoulou - Kanun

07.06.2024 Phönix, Linz, Austria, Phönix, Linz

Milan Conic & Band featuring 

Efrat Alony


to spin off Music Idees & share your thoughts:

Efrat Alony:  

efrat *at* alony *dot* de 


For booking requests please contact:

booking *at* alony *dot* de 


visit my website, listen to other current projects: 



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